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Notify is mainly used by House Officers for (a) generating discharge letters and (b) audit.

Discharge letters

• Log on with your user name and password (ensure that you use the correct case).
• Enter the patients case sheet number and press Enter
• For most patients you will reach the Registration screen containing patient and GP name and address etc details. If the patient is new to the Notify system, you will be asked whether you want to start a new file - select Yes. Occasionally (e.g. emergency admissions), the hospital Patient Administration System (PAS) has no details on the patient, and you will be prompted to enter these.
• At the Registration screen, select Gen. Surg. Discharge Form (bottom left of the screen).
• At the General Surgery Discharge Form screen, complete each box. If the team (consultant) shown is not the correct one, select the Change Team button until it is correct - if you have not yet joined that team within Notify you can do so from the Options menu (reached from the Opening a Case Sheet File screen). For some of the boxes (e.g. diagnosis), you can either type in the text, or select from the list in the Notify dictionary.
• When complete, select Save and then select Generate a Letter.
• From the choice of letters presented, select the relevant discharge letter option and a letter is generated with patient details automatically entered, together with the information that you have already entered. Complete any remaining relevant sections and/or delete irrelevant sections in the letter, then Save, and Print two copies - one for the notes and one for the GP. Then Close. You can make changes to the letter for 14 days - from the registration screen, select View / edit stored letters, and then Edit letter. After 14 days, you cannot edit the letter, but you can add an on-screen postscript.


For a monthly audit meeting or other purposes, you can access the Notify archives. Go to the options menu (via the Opening a Case Sheet File screen), and select View archives, then View Archives of discharges, ensure the team is the one required (change team via the top menu if necessary), select Special Report and enter the start of the one-month period (e.g. the first day of the previous month), select Summarize and then Print the report.


Dates: Whenever you need to enter a date, you can click on the box to enter todays date. Clicking again gives the date of the previous day, and this can be done repeatedly. On the keyboard, CTRL+D does the same thing (i.e. hold down the CTRL key and press the D key).
Selecting buttons: You can click on the button, or press the Tab key until the button is highlighted (in yellow) and press the Enter key; or you can hold down the Alt key and press the underlined letter.

Practising using fake files

If new to the system, you can try out any of the features via some fake patient files. These all have numbers beginning FAKE, e.g. FAKE1', FAKE2' or FAKE41796'. You can use existing fake files or create your own. Feel free to try out or practise any of the Notify features.

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