Summary The toll of deaths and other consequences Deaths per day New cases per day UK "Global Death Comparison" chart UK nation and regional comparisons Poor UK Government decision making NHS/PHE labs are being denied testing reagents Unspecified case location in 70% of UK cases Problems with the covid-19 science Problems with the media and covid-19 Reasons to be concerned Reporting delays in Liverpool for covid-19 tests Action needed Elimination of the virus ("Zero covid") Elimination successes Population ("herd") immunity Countries with the best covid-19 control: half-lives of 5 days When to end the UK lockdown Predicting epidemics - Q and A R values, doubling times and halving times Data sources Data sources for covid-19.php Seven principles of public life in the UK Myths and misinformation About
About Ian Campbell
I've written these web pages on the covid-19 epidemic because I believe that decisions need to be based on evidence - and that we therefore need accurate summaries of the available evidence.
I have some relevant experience: qualifications in medicine (BA MB BChir FRCS FRCR), in statistics (BSc), and a doctorate (MD) in the use of statistical methods in cancer research.
I've worked as a hospital doctor and as a medical statistics consultant.
I have no financial interest in the topic.
More details are at
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Why trust the charts and information on these web pages?
We have a terrible problem of lack of trust, linked with myths, misunderstandings, misinformation and conspiracy theories. So we should all be able to answer why we should be trusted.In answer:
- I provide the evidence on which my statements are based, with links to reliable sources, so that anything can be checked
- I am accountable: i.e. I respond to queries and will justify anything that is written, or would correct it if an error were to be pointed out.
First published 21 Mar 2020
Last updated: 28 Oct 2020
Summary The toll of deaths and other consequences Deaths per day New cases per day UK "Global Death Comparison" chart UK nation and regional comparisons Poor UK Government decision making NHS/PHE labs are being denied testing reagents Unspecified case location in 70% of UK cases Problems with the covid-19 science Problems with the media and covid-19 Reasons to be concerned Reporting delays in Liverpool for covid-19 tests Action needed Elimination of the virus ("Zero covid") Elimination successes Population ("herd") immunity Countries with the best covid-19 control: half-lives of 5 days When to end the UK lockdown Predicting epidemics - Q and A R values, doubling times and halving times Data sources Data sources for covid-19.php Seven principles of public life in the UK Myths and misinformation About